Updated: 09.07.2024

Privacy for Cogknit

We do not sell your personal information to third parties.

We strive to keep a transparent environment.

You are the owner of your information.

We do things solely on your requests. However, sometimes those requests come with the price of sharing information. But it is your right not to share.

We do not sell or display ads. However, we make recommendations for organizations that support students and teachers to develop their pathways and careers. These will function after the user makes a request to us.

Company Cogknit

Cogknit Oy
c/o Hanken Business Lab
Arkadiankatu 22
00100 Helsinki, Finland

We are a Finland-based technology platform that facilitates teaching and learning by effectively connecting students with teachers, institutes, businesses, governments, and other societal partners through inciting local and global real-world cases, research questions, scenarios, problems, etc., relevant to the curriculum.

The core aim is to foster 21st-century skills and competencies among the young generation, driven by real-world problems, working in multidisciplinary international team settings; ultimately meeting the needs of current and future employment and local innovation ecosystems.

Information Cogknit collects

Registration (Mandatory)NameUsernameEmail addressDevice IP addressLocation

Profile Development (Optional)Country, cityLanguagePhotographsVideosWebpageAccounts for instant messaging systemForumAddress informationProfile informationExperienceSkillsetsEducationCalendarsInterest fields

Posts and Uploads (marked in bold are mandatory)Data from Survey FormDemographic dataSocial posts and social uploads like posts, articles, NEWS, research, blogs, and vlogs that reside in the public domainFeedbacks to CogknitCrash Reports


From Company and Institutes (Bold mandatory and rest is in the public domain)NameAddressField of CompanyWebsite and social media linksPhone numberLogo or imagesOccupation listingsSkill Listing

For users 13 and above, we collect self-declared names, emails, educational, professional details to create accounts and provide personalized services. For users under 16, if belonging to bilateral B2B (Business to Business) contracted organization, we additionally obtain parental/guardian contacts and verifiable consent. For organizational users, we collect organization names, addresses, contact numbers and emails.

Usage Data:  We log technical details like IP addresses, browser information, device data and, usage statistics for analytics and service improvement. 

Consent Tracking: We track parental consent before processing any data of users under 16 as per GDPR. 

If you plan on Disclosing your information

Voluntary Disclosure
The decision to disclose personal information is up to you. However, if you choose not to provide the requested information, we may not be able to fully provide the services you request

Purpose of the Use
Any personally identifiable information you disclose will be used solely for the purposes stated in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. We are committed to using this information responsibly and in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Processing of Personal Data
Cogknit will process the personal data of data subjects based on the information provided during the registration process on the portal. This processing will be done in compliance with our Privacy Policy. Also there is stated details in Terms of Service

Third-Party Information
If any third parties provide information about you to us, we will treat that information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable privacy laws.

Account Deletion
If you decide to delete your Cogknit account, the deletion of your personal information will follow the process and limitations outlined in our Privacy Policy. It will also be done in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Use of Data

We use data for the following purposes only: 

Providing integrated services (Learning Management System, Project Management System, Skills Assessment, Skills Development, Workshops and Career Pathways etc.)Facilitating user collaboration, engagement and professional development Analytics to improve features, evaluate usage patternsCommunicating updates, support, provision of materialsCoordination with accrediting educational institutions  Providing recognition, certifications, financial benefitsRecruitment and internship opportunities (with consent)Complying with legal and financial obligations  Ensuring cybersecurity of the platform 


We do not sell, rent or share any personal data for marketing without explicit consent. Non-personal and encrypted data can be used for development of the platform and its services, research, analyses, results sharing, impact figures and stories, communication, dissemination, marketing and similar purposes.  

Data Sharing

As stated we do not disclose your information for sales but to support your growth and development as per your requests. The usage of data is not limited to the mentioned above.When you enroll in courses, workshops, coaching, training, projects, and other events within our platform, your profile will be shared internally.

If you request internships or career guidance, we may need to connect you with companies. In these processes, we will need your information to share with them for monitoring and analyzing your situation.

For skill integration programs or events such as courses, workshops, and training for skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling, we will need to disclose your profile to mentors and trainers upon enrollment.

When applying for projects, you may need to provide your information in an application in order to process the project applications.

If you wish to build a network through our platform, we will need to disclose your information to other users.

Please note that we do not disclose your information for sales purposes, but rather to support your growth and development based on your requests. The usage of data is not limited to the above-mentioned scenarios.

Data Security

We implement robust technical and organizational measures like encryption, access controls, and testing to secure data against unauthorized access or breaches. These measures are designed to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you.  We use One Time Password (OTP). Also, we urge users to implement some extra measures by themselves, which are given but not limited to keeping the strong password in their emails, using unsecured public internet, and so on. 

Data Retention

Personal data is kept for a maximum of a year after account termination, graduation, or end of the contractual agreement unless consent is given to retain it longer for recognition activities or career opportunities. Non-personal usage data is retained for analytics. 

 Upon enrollment by academia or companies, only the admin of such organizations has the right to delete your account.

If the user does not use their account for a year, we will delete it from our system. If a fake account is found, we will delete it immediately.

Request of Data

User can always request their data at contact@cogknit.io. However, we do not provide data of other users if requested.

Children's Privacy

For users under 16, we limit processing to only what is reasonably and legally necessary. Parents/guardians can access, rectify, restrict processing or request erasure of their child's data. 

Changes and updates

We may update this policy periodically with user notification of material changes and seek fresh consent where required. 

Cogknit has the right to edit, modify, and change the Privacy Policy under the EU and Finland legislation. We urge users to review our Privacy Policy from time to time.

International Transfers

Data is stored and processed within EU/EEA for EU residents. For any international transfers, we ensure appropriate safeguards like standard contractual clauses. 

User Rights

All users 13 and above have the following data protection rights: 

Access: Request copies of personal data we hold about you.Rectification: Correct any inaccurate personal data.Erasure: Request deletion of your account and personal data.Restrict Processing: Request restricting processing by rendering account inactive.Object: Object to processing activities like marketing by opting out.Data Portability: Obtain a portable copy of personal data in standard format.Withdraw Consent: Withdraw consent for processing based on consent at any time. 


You can exercise these rights by contacting at contact@cogknit.io . We will handle requests without undue delay and may require proof of identity. 

 We comply with regulations and support these rights regardless of location. In case of a data breach affecting your personal data, we will notify you without undue delay. 

We do not knowingly process data of children under 13. If we become aware, we will promptly delete it. If you suspect someone under 13 as users or data of children under 13 in the platform, please contact at contact@cogknit.io for prompt deletion and other actions that may be required.  

Profiling and Automated Decisions

We do not use your data for any automated decision-making or profiling that produces legal effects. 

Accountability and Governance

Where we act as joint controller with educational institutions for specific processing activities related to student accounts and career services, we ensure appropriate joint controller agreements defining roles and responsibilities are in place. 

For business prospects, we process contact details based on legitimate interests or consent for prospecting purposes, retaining data for 1 year from last contact unless you object.